3 Security Solutions for Your Business

| September 26, 2019 | 0 Comments

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What are the main threats your business is facing? Top of that list is probably – or should be – cyberattacks. It doesn’t matter if you are running an international corporation or if you are an independent trader, cyberattacks can happen to businesses of all sizes. What’s more concerning is that every year cybercriminals are developing new strategies and scams to take advantage of businesses with inadequate security.

A cyberattack can cause severe financial and reputational damage and can even prevent your business from operating on a temporary or permanent business.

Here are 3 cybersecurity solutions which you should incorporate into your business to minimize the risk of cyberattacks.

  1. Improve Perimeter Security

Perimeter security is ensuring that there is a barrier between your internal network (your devices, computers, cloud storage and website) and the internet. The more elements you have in your network, the more opportunities cybercriminals have to identify and exploit weaknesses by spreading malware or viruses. To secure your data and network, and prevent unwanted intruders, you need to secure your perimeter with a firewall and an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).

A firewall installs a list of rules which control what can, and cannot, access your network by monitoring where information is coming from and if it is a trusted source. Firewalls can also prevent your employees from sharing sensitive business information. However, firewalls can be broken if the cybercriminal uses a source that it trusts, which is why an IPS is often recommended in addition to a firewall. IPS systems can identify unusual IP addresses or applications which could suggest an unauthorized user even if the source of the malware is trusted.

It’s also worth knowing that many cyberattacks come from email phishing attacks. The cybercriminal will send an email or online advert which often appears to be legitimate but encourages the reader to click a link in the email or online advert. When they click on that link, malware is able to access the internal network. Spam protection can help to protect your organization against phishing attacks by identifying and preventing emails and adverts from coming through if they are not from trusted senders/sources.

  1. Enhance Network Security

Your internal network or intranet also needs to be secured. This means that your internal computers and devices should be individually protected from malware as well as having perimeter security. Malware is software which is developed specifically to infiltrate your network and either cause damage or access sensitive data. Malware can exploit weaknesses in out of date software systems, which is why it’s essential to ensure all software is updated regularly.

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New versions are released all the time to provide enhanced protection against malware and anti-malware software is also available.

If you are confused about the security options which your business needs, specialist companies like Bytes Technology Group can provide expert advice on the right cyber security solution for your business.

  1. Minimize Risk of Human Error

Unfortunately, you can have all the cybersecurity in the world but if your employees are unaware of, or do not understand the severity of the risks, this means you are still putting your business in the firing line. This includes weak passwords, using untrusted websites and failing to identify spam emails. You should invest in employee training to ensure that everyone in your organization is using the internet and your equipment safely and securely.

They need to be able to recognize suspicious activity and flag it up and you should have a comprehensive password policy.

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Category: Business and Politics

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