5 Innovations France Brings to the UK

| May 20, 2017 | 0 Comments

There’s no shortage of innovation in France, which is considered one of the most technologically-innovative countries in the world.

It’s also no surprise that France stands at that position – the government itself encourages innovation through competitions, subsidies and on-going plans.

Due to the physical proximity and stable trade relations, the UK benefits greatly from the ongoing inventions and technological improvements brought by France.

Here are just some of the innovations that France is continuously bringing to the UK market.

Fusible alloys

Fusible alloys are a metal alloy that has the capacity of being easily fused through melting at low temperatures. A low melting point alloy has a variety of uses, such as providing solutions for eyewear, medical equipment, shield protection in radiotherapy and more. Similarly, Cerrobend alloys are used in aeronautics and the manufacture of spatial parts. That’s what makes this largely unknown innovation so vital to the UK and global production in general.

Planes and spacecraft

Believe it or not, the top exports of France are planes, helicopters and spacecraft, covering about $51 billion yearly of their total exports. This also happens to the be the 12th most traded product worldwide, which places France at a great competitive position, being second in position only to the US. Whether used for military or commercial intent, the UK is one of their main buyers.


With today’s surging popularity of drones and the massive size of its market, it’s surprising to hear that civilians did not have access to flying them until recently. It was France who first opened its airspace to civilian drones, initiating a market worth over €2 billion. Frederic Serre was a large part of this movement, founding a company in France that created and exported radio-controlled drones. They are used for anything from inspecting infrastructures and farms to creating topographical maps.

Energy Transition

In 2013, the French government launched 34 industrial renewal plans intended to develop intelligent mobility. Among the inventions and technological adaptions to this plan were an ecological ship, an electric plane, a car that consumes only 2 liters of fuel for every 100km, and a high-speed train. Although the larger projects are still in process, smaller-scale innovations have been developed, including Telecom initiatives being deployed across Europe.


With France being known as the country of romance, it’s no surprise that the cosmetics industry there is extensive. There are over 430 cosmetics companies based in France creating one of the most prosperous and thriving cosmetics industries in the world. These companies also are the most innovative in the world, developing new technologies, perfumes and anti-aging cosmetics continuously. The cosmetics are in high demand in the UK, where the industry is dominated by established French companies like L’Oreal.



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Category: Sci Tech

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