Boris Johnson on Tramlink Extension Possibilities

| February 18, 2013 | 1 Comment

Recent questions to the mayor regarding the Tramlink extension and his replies.

Tramlink Network Map

Tramlink extensions

Question No: 447 / 2013

Valerie Shawcross

I have been contacted by a number of people across Croydon, Bromley and Sutton who are deeply disappointed that the new TfL business plan does not include provision for any of the previously proposed extensions of Tramlink. What is the current status of the proposed Tramlink extensions and when exactly can we expect further work on this to take place?


Written response from the Mayor

Three extensions are prioritised in the draft Tramlink Strategy, to Crystal Palace, Sutton and Bromley, and TfL is currently concentrating its resources on the first two of these.

The Crystal Palace extension is the most developed in terms of feasibility and the key issue here is the availability of funding to deliver the scheme. A cost review is currently being carried out for this extension. The extension to Sutton is less well developed in terms of engineering feasibility and TfL is currently undertaking a full engineering feasibility study of possible options including a more detailed business case and consideration of all the costs and benefits.

I would be keen to see these extensions go ahead but as you will appreciate funding is the main obstacle to delivery. I have asked that TfL works closely with the boroughs and the GLA to strengthen the case for these schemes and to identify potential sources of funding that could help bring forward their delivery.

A planning assessment to support transport investment in south London has just been commissioned by TfL. This work will identify development potential along the routes and how this can strengthen the case for Tramlink extensions. This work, along with the Sutton extension feasibility study already mentioned, is due to report in June of this year. Officers from the boroughs of Croydon, Sutton and Merton have been closely involved in the procurement process for these pieces of work and will be consulted throughout.


Tramlink extensions 2

Question No: 448 / 2013

Valerie Shawcross

Have you abandoned your ‘aim to develop a Tramlink extension to Crystal Palace’ – as stated on page 23 of your 2012 election manifesto, given that no provision for this work is made in the new TfL business plan? Please explain if and how you plan to take this forward.


Written response from the Mayor

As referred to in my response to MQ 447 / 2013, I have not abandoned my aim, and TfL is working closely with the boroughs to strengthen the case for the Crystal Palace extension in terms of realising growth, regeneration and social benefits.

A planning assessment to support transport investment in south London has just been commissioned by TfL. This work will identify development potential along the routes and how this can strengthen the case for Tramlink extensions. This work, along with the Sutton extension feasibility study already mentioned, is due to report in June of this year. Officers from the boroughs of Croydon, Sutton and Merton have been closely involved in the procurement process for these pieces of work and will be consulted throughout.


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  1. I very much welcome the resurrection of plans to bring Tramlink to Crystal Palace, but let’s not forget that Boris Johnson campaigned in 2008 saying he supported bringing the tram to Crystal Palace, then scrapped it as soon as he was elected. He then made warm noises about it in 2012 but nothing has yet happened.

    I want to see some real progress on this before I give the Mayor the benefit of the doubt.

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