
The health benefits of owning a dog

| November 7, 2015 | 0 Comments
The health benefits of owning a dog

Who knew that owning a dog could be so good for you? That wonderful, unique relationship between canine and human has been ticking over nicely for thousands of years, but did you know that dogs can actually be good for your health? If you needed another excuse for inviting some puppy love into your life, […]

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IVF with Donor Eggs – A Chance for Motherhood

| September 24, 2015 | 0 Comments
IVF with Donor Eggs – A Chance for Motherhood

Nowadays, 1 in 5 women delay starting a family until they’re in their mid-thirties. However, if you have been delaying having children, you may have difficulty becoming pregnant. The good news is that reduced fertility does not necessarily have to prevent you from becoming a mother. Even if your test results show significantly reduced fertility […]

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Basic skills and personality traits needed to become a counsellor

| April 9, 2015 | 0 Comments
Basic skills and personality traits needed to become a counsellor

Most people in one point of their lives will find themselves in a position of counselling other without having grasped the concept of being a counsellor. There is a great difference between professionally trained counsellors and a person who possesses some skills that are useful in counselling. Professional counsellors are trained and are able to […]

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Choosing Eggs from an Egg Sharing Bank: Getting One Step Closer to Starting a Family   

| November 9, 2014 | 0 Comments
Choosing Eggs from an Egg Sharing Bank: Getting One Step Closer to Starting a Family   

Not all women who opt for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) are able to use their own eggs. When this happens, choosing some from an egg sharing bank is an option. Couples who rely on egg sharing have to give careful consideration to some defining factors before they choose their donor. What is IVF and how Should Couples […]

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The science of picking the right bed for you

| September 2, 2013 | 0 Comments
The science of picking the right bed for you

There are clear correlations between your mattress type and how you sleep. This much we know. Science backs this up through studies regarding bed firmness and back pain, for example. There is also plenty of evidence to show that a good night’s sleep is one of the most important factors in maintaining your health, wellbeing […]

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Healthy Lifestyle & Saving Money – A Perfect Duo

| May 1, 2013 | 0 Comments
Healthy Lifestyle & Saving Money – A Perfect Duo

Living healthy and toxin-free is definitely important if you want to have a stress-free life. However, health is wealth in a literal manner and this is absolutely true. You can make a lot of savings if you do away with all the unhealthy options and vices in life. It may not be a pressing issue […]

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Smokers Retreat

| March 26, 2013 | 0 Comments
Smokers Retreat

  Reading the title of this article you may think that within lies news of a getaway where smoking is permitted and celebrated, but you’d be wrong (fortunately or unfortunately). This article is actually a reflection of what’s happened in recent years starting with the intensified campaigning of anti-smoking groups, to segregated areas in bars […]

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Self Defence Videos and Information

| January 25, 2013 | 1 Comment
Self Defence Videos and Information

Due to the recent discussion of muggings on Virtual Norwood, I started to research a few self-defense videos and there is a vast number of excellent resources. Of course to prime your body to be ready in an attack you should practise and attend a self-defense class.

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Westival Charity Music Event for Parkinsons

| January 25, 2013 | 1 Comment
Westival Charity Music Event for Parkinsons

Click the flyer above for more details. Westival is a charity festival at Westow House beginning 31st January to the 3rd February in aid of Parkinson’s. There’ll be drinks promotions through the whole festival and for those of you who don’t know too much about Parkinson’s, more information is below – this is a truly […]

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New Homepage – Call for Articles

| January 25, 2013 | 6 Comments
New Homepage – Call for Articles

(If you are looking for the VN forums click here or click on the orange “Discussion Forums” banner on the right.) Following up from the New VN homepage thread, VN needs articles in place for our new homepage. Can you help provide a short article related to the local area?  Maybe you’re a local business owner […]

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