Business and Politics
5 Tips for a better hiring process

If there’s one thing that every business needs in order to grow, it’s the right team. Hiring the perfect employees for your business is always a challenge, but there are few simple solutions. Hiring the wrong people can have a long-lasting and detrimental impact on the future of your business, so it’s a critical component […]
How to Attract and Retain Top Talent at Your Law Firm

It’s no secret that breaking into the law business is a difficult task of itself, let alone how challenging it can be to work your way up the ladder once you’ve gotten your foot in the door, and how hard the actual job can be further down the road. Despite how competitive the industry is […]
How to Build an E-Commerce Store from Scratch

If you’re looking for a way to make money online, you should consider running your own e-commerce store. No matter how much profit it is you actually wish to turnover — whether you’re in search of a full-time income or you’re only looking for a side hustle — taking on this type of challenge could […]
Exciting Career Choices For Graduates With A Policing Degree

Obtaining a policing degree takes hard work and dedication, so it’s especially important that you carefully consider your available options once you graduate. A policing degree can open up a hugely diverse range of rewarding job opportunities. To give you some inspiration and help you plan what to do once you graduate, here are some […]
Do You Have What it Takes to Make a Successful Career in International Business?

Do you have dreams of being able to travel the globe, meeting with people in all different countries and cities, conducting high-level business deals and basically “living the dream”? If so then a career in international business is probably what you have in mind. It can seem ultra-glamorous and exciting from the outside looking in, […]
3 Security Solutions for Your Business

What are the main threats your business is facing? Top of that list is probably – or should be – cyberattacks. It doesn’t matter if you are running an international corporation or if you are an independent trader, cyberattacks can happen to businesses of all sizes. What’s more concerning is that every year cybercriminals are […]
Tips for Starting an Environmentally-Friendly Business

There are millions of businesses in the world and they all serve different purposes. However, some give more to than the environment than they take and some vice versa. Seeing as most businesses rely on one natural resource or another to operate, it could be argued that they all have an obligation to operate in […]
Will an online ecommerce website serve you better than bricks and mortar?

Back in the mid 90s it was almost impossible to believe that consumers would switch behaviour and start shopping, banking and booking holidays online. Yet here we are in 2019 a long way from teletext feeds for cheap holidays and WAP internet on cell phones. The world and the web has changed to match […]
5 Common Money Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), approximately half of all new companies will fail to make it to five years. Several factors can determine a company’s failure, which you must become aware of to secure your venture’s survival. To ensure your business enjoys great longevity, here are five common money mistakes that every entrepreneur […]
Thrifty startups — 3 belt-tightening tips

When you’re exploding into the entrepreneurial arena with the swashbuckling bravado of a modern-day Branson, it’s easy to forget about boring issues like budgets. But being too free and easy with your spending is risky business — it could delay your launch or cause you to sink without trace a few months after opening. We’d […]